The #1 episode

Yep that’s the first one
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2 Replies to “The #1 episode”

  1. Velo

    Feral gamer supps? I think you just gave me an art idea… 😀 Adding it to my ideas list! Sexy feral waifu gamer supp cups coming to the imaginary store near you!

    If your butthole is achy, you should get into a hot bath with some Epsom salts. If it’s still achy, you can use a numbing solution. There, a comment about Aki’s sore ass, and its aftercare, delivered hot and steamy.

    And since you like talking about her ass so much, why not make it into a segment? The “Talking About Aki’s Ass” segment. Would really up the listener numbers! Trust me, I’m the unpaid intern official ideas person.

    I’m in a similar situation as Jin. Partner is not a zoo and doesn’t seem to really care. It’s nice, honestly. Though I felt really stressed about telling him.

    Discussion-generating question for this comment!
    If someone suddenly messaged you and name-dropped a whole bunch of people you know (friends, family, coworkers, boss etc.) and said they’d tell all of them you’re a zoo unless you paid them hush money (think a significant sum in relation to what you’re making) what would your course of action be? Assume they’re not bluffing. What would the fallout be if they went ahead with it?

  2. HugDoggy

    Next time on the Aki’s Ass Podcast: Tarro hears how Raccoons are treated on Z&M and can be heard Protesting outside the Studio. “What do we want? Racc Rights to not be used as measuring devices in German asses!” “When do we want it?” Now or as soon as adequate lube is provided.” However Tarro later agreed to drop the legal action, for an article from Akito about how awesome slobbery dog kisses are.

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