
like, why were they there
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One Reply to “pigs??”

  1. HugDoggy

    Cows are only noisy when there is a good reason most days I don’t here so much as a moop from the cattle when they are grazing happily. A good reason would be the tractor coming out with food, or when the bull calves reach an age when they start to have NSFW thoughts about everyone including their mum and need to go live in the boy paddock. I have tried explaining the only alternative is for me to cut off their balls but something isn’t making it through the translation, so they just see it as being separated from their mum just because I’m being mean.

    Um that “good an cheap bottled water” is mostly likely just someone else’s tap water that they have added the precious sparkle to. A good quality water filter will fix up most tap water really well at only a fraction of the cost per litre. And you don’t need to wreck the environment producing small bottles that use 3-4 times the water as is actually held when they are made.

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