Vexed VIII

This is certainly vexing. Make sure to follow our twitter accounts if you don’t already!

2 Replies to “Vexed VIII”

  1. HugDoggy

    How come Off Brand didn’t make it into the title or notes for the episode, that will make it a little hard to find his debut as a main guest into the Z&M universe down the track. Although I do acknowledge Vex doing the most talking on the episode, I don’t think anyone could ever really stop that from happening anyway, the canines got a lot to say.

    Whaaaat! Did brass just admit to being a necrophile “They can find me on the artist formally known as Prince.” I never would have suspected.

  2. Velo

    Back with a listen-along ramble comment to comment on interesting stuff brought up during the episode, written as they’re brought up! 😀

    (Vex does sound super young. Sorry, but that’s how it is. Funny that that apparently also translates to looks. xD)

    Gonna skip most of the army talk but big YES for the brief space talk in this episode! I could talk so long about space and space-related technology and sci-fi if I have a person I can bounce these things off of! Love to hear that Vex also has an interest. 😊

    I agree that Vex does have a very good Akito impression. A little piece of Akito even when she’s away. ❤️

    To answer the question on childhood media and games that had an effect on me: There was a less-known game called Heart of Darkness that we only owned the demo of, but I got to play some of the full game at an older age as well. The protagonist is like ten years old and can die in multiple different, absolutely brutal ways. And all of these deaths have their own animations. The game is also very difficult in true old video game fashion. But your mission is to save a dog so… based.

    Having sex with a Xenomorph? Absolutely. When I was playing Alien: Isolation, I was staring at dem thighs! And speaking of having sex with monsters: Really looking forward to the next Monster Manual smash or pass whenever that happens. You could also do one for Monster Hunter monsters at some point, maybe? x) Got that idea when Aki and Milk were speaking about the series in a previous episode. Totally not because I’m thirsting for the monsters myself or anything, hehe…

    To end this lengthy comment (I actually had to cut out some paragraphs 😅), and to offer some interaction in case you want to read at least some of it on air:
    1. Brass, what’s the situation with you moving to Germany? Still waiting to hear back?
    2. To generate a discussion topic, let’s ask a zooey question: If you were to be turned into a non-human animal for the express purpose of experiencing mating as that animal, which one would you choose and why? And which one would you absolutely not choose and why?

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