I think every game should let me pick my pronouns.
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One Reply to “PRONOUNS”

  1. Velo

    I’m back from my holiday getaway with another comment. Don’t be scared of the length. Half of it is just me throwing ideas around again.

    Brass guessing that my topic suggestion was “first zoo experiences” is actually a really good topic! So tell us, what made you realize our furry friends can be more than just friends?

    As an artist, your opinions on AI art are based. That’s it. I can’t add anything else. It was perfect. *chef’s kiss*

    I do get Akito’s point about being content with the current state of things when it comes to zoo acceptance. The community and the friends I’ve made in it are amazing. However, Brass does have a point with the exaggerated “I don’t want to be murdered” line. I don’t really want to fear people just because of who I am, which is why I hope for at least some level of acceptance.

    Brass mentioning Project Zomboid made me gasp in delight. It’s a really fun game! I do recommend getting together with people to play it, though. I haven’t enjoyed it as much solo. 😊

    And I would ask why anyone would be upset about The Witcher 4 featuring Ciri (she’s cool as hell!) but I’m honestly not surprised.

    When Brass said “You are now our official ideas person, Velo,” I actually said, “Oh for fuck’s sake!” out loud. XD But since I’ve been hired as an unpaid intern official ideas person, I’ve come up with a few ending segment ideas, as requested (along with suggestions for names!). And I may be working on a fairytale you can read in a later episode. x) I’ll be sure to send a PDF or something to your email whenever it gets done! I’m just saying it here so I will be pressured to not procrastinate with it.

    Ending segment ideas:

    – Word Association Game. One person says a word, another person says a word they associate with that word, then the next person says a word they associate with that and so on for as long as you want. If you want to, you can stop to discuss certain associations if they seem interesting. If you forget what the word was due to a long discussion, you can just come up with a new one or end the segment there.

    – Questions of the Week. Everyone answers a random question or multiple! There are numerous question generators online you can use, such as this one: or look up a question list, or come up with a question yourself. If you want something gamey some weeks, you can have it be a rapid fire Q&A where you have to answer the questions as fast as possible. Good generator for that: or use would-you-rather questions.

    – Improv Theater. Act out a scenario. Get creative. Get silly. Doesn’t have to be serious. And you don’t even have to come up with a scene yourself if you don’t want to. Like for the above idea, there are lists and prompt generators such as this one:

    And needless to say, the audience can also send in words, questions or prompts if you do end up using the ideas.

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