Cars and Mechanics

just trying to keep our cars running
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One Reply to “Cars and Mechanics”

  1. Velo

    All of these car trouble stories make me so glad to live in an area where public transport is so good I don’t need to even own a car.

    Of course erwt would be a word in Dutch. It’s a consonant nightmare so it fits! I looked the word up for fun and ended up on the Dutch Wikipedia article for peas and I’m laughing about how the language reads like an incest baby of English and German. (Language nerd’s language family joke. Please laugh.)

    Root beer mentioned! I love root beer too! But they no longer sell it in my area and I have to travel a bit farther to get it! I was initially a bit worried when I first tried it because I’d heard it was an acquired taste but I ended up liking it from the first time I tasted it!

    Adult versions of Animorphs exists, technically, in the form of transformation erotica. And it’s just as Jin thought of it: Animal sex, where the animals used to be humans. Kind of a loophole to zoophilia, I think personally. At least it seems to be largely accepted in the transformation fandom despite arguably being just bestiality erotica with extra steps in some cases.

    Side-note: In the actual Animorphs books, Tobias, in the form of a hawk, had thoughts of mating with a female hawk he freed from a cage. Make of that what you will.

    Comment question!
    What does your favourite kind of breakfast consist of? If you don’t eat breakfast (you weirdo), pick any other meal for this question.

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